Retreat Information 2022
View 2022 Retreat Program and schedule here: 2022 Retreat Program
The Men’s Spring Retreat provides the opportunity for recovering alcoholic men to spend a weekend immersed in meetings, spiritual reflection and fellowship. Please join us for great sharing, recovery, and fun!
The Men’s Spring Retreat Committee: The Men’s Spring Retreat Committee: Mike R. 760-644-5780; Craig O. 760-410-3400; Aiden E. 916-524-9796; Chris N. 714-907-3890
Cost: $215 for bed. $185 for bunk. 2 nights lodging and all (5) meals. All rooms are double-occupancy. This year Tahquitz Pines requires full payment 3 weeks before the retreat start, so registration money must be in by April 8. Men who want to participate in the retreat must stay at the Tahquitz facility. Meal only plans are not available except for the Saturday evening dinner/pie and ice cream ($25).
Disabilities/mobility: We have reserved a few beds closer to the Meeting Hall for men with mobility challenges. There are also a few single rooms for men with other disabilities/medical issues. If you need a closer or single room, please fill in the associated field on the registration page explaining your situation.
Scholarships: Due to an increase in cost, our ability to provide scholarships may be limited this year. Priority will be first-time attendees and newcomers. You can request a scholarship here. All men on scholarships will be placed in bunks and have a service commitment.
Scholarship support: Thank you for your previous contributions to the scholarship fund. If you can increase your contribution this year to help the new men it would be greatly appreciated. At this time, our budget would allow for only 1 – 5 scholarship beds.